Preventing violent behavior in children is very important,
especially for parents. Children are a gift that God entrusted to us that
someday we will be held accountable in the hereafter later. It is undeniable is
to educate children to be as we expected is not easy, it requires patience and
ketlatenan is incredible. Especially now increasingly widespread violence on
children, both physical violence and the healthcare sexual violence may make
many parents are sad to hear it. Maybe a lot of people who talk about child
abuse, but people rarely talk about how to prevent it from occurring. Sometimes
most parents are not aware that they also have done Abusive (acts of violence)
on their own baby. Actually there is a way to prevent violent behavior does not
occur in children who may need to be known by the parents in particular and
society in general.
Raising a child is one thing that might make some parents
feel tremendous stress, ranging from their crying, whining, eating problems,
how to discipline and many other things. Moreover, coupled with economic
problems, relationship and lack of communication between parents and children
will certainly lead to violence. Despite the economic level is not something
that could trigger a determinant of child abuse, but it is also an important
factor when we are wrong to educate our children about it. For example, we have
a habit of asking any of our children certainly be fulfilled, but at the moment
we can not fulfill because of economic reasons what our children will
understand? And that can lead us to do violence to our children.
Parenting in general we unknowingly tend to use when we grew up the way first. And if it is applied at
this time is not entirely true, and the parents need a science or the way that
we make parenting a child to be comfortable and able to do things as we would
expect. Of cases of child abuse committed by most of the parents or people
close to them, even tragic violence that seemed beyond our intellect. To
prevent child abuse is also our responsibility, if the child can grow
comfortable environment that is also a possibility of the child in accordance
with our expectations and the family is the smallest neighborhood to make it
happen. Here are some simple ways for parents or nannies to prevent violent
behavior in children, among other things:
Think before you act. We as parents would be able to think
clearly when our children make mistakes, what punishment could possibly educate
children not to make mistakes again without having to be accompanied by
Seek the advice of others. At the moment we think we should
menhindar emotions of our children first and ask for opinions on our friends or
relatives how we should behave or multiply reading about the development stage
of growing children so that we can understand that our child is doing.
Take time to rest. Being a parent is not easy, so if you
feel your emotions are not stable, then the rest. That way you can think
clearly and do not take it out on the child of force that can be prevented.
Supervise children's games. In an age that has been advanced
is certainly the child will easily get games or game, pay attention to what
games they play. Do not allow children to play a game that is prone to violence
because it will be stored in memory and the child if the child emotionally
unstable then he will do like what they see.
Report. If you look at child abuse your environment, give
the sense if not immediately report. That way you help prevent kekarasan in
Be active in the community socially. If you are active in
the community social will certainly add your insights and understand how to
educate our children, so as to understand and tolerate all the things that made
our children without violence.
Those are some ways to prevent child abuse, which may be a
little assist parents in educating children. However parents have an important
role in shaping the character of the child, the child could be black or white
all depends on the parents. Therefore educate the child with love, educate
children to know God then we will be easy to guide him. Parents are the
determinants spear prepare children for the next generation in the future.
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